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What is the CAPE Acronym?

Use the CAPE acronym as a reminder to watch for and combat loneliness and social isolation. Be your own hero by prioritizing your heart health.



  • Reach out regularly to loved ones, visiting, texting, and facetime

  • Increase time spent with friends and in your community

  • The CAPEs team can help put you in touch with additional resources


  • Branch out by taking a fitness class, attending a cultural event, or  volunteering for a local organization

  • Not only do these activities encourage heart health, they're also mentally stimulating, staving off dementia and cognitive decline


  • Consider adopting a furry friend from your local shelter

  • Pets are great companions and help reduce feelings of loneliness


Your healthcare provider knows that struggling with loneliness can put you and your heart health at greater risk. Talk to them if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Feeling disconnected from others

  • Feeling isolated, even when socializing

  • Experiencing negative feelings of self-doubt and self-worth

  • Feeling unseen or unheard 

By actively engaging in your path to wellness you are your own hero, taking advantage of all available resources to live your best life and avoid dangerous, preventable complications.

Your cardiologist or internist is an important partner in your heart health journey

Be sure to talk to them about your concerns, and ask and how loneliness might be affecting your heart health or impacting your heart disease treatment.

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